Valentina Vitolo, tango and contact improvisation dancer and teacher and Feldenkrais trainer, ROME
“I loved this class, I loved recognising and observing my body and feeling sensations, giving them a name. I loved being in the zoom breakout room with my two distant partners and listening to what they had felt during the exploration. And at the end of the class I loved the small dance with my favourite coat that pushed me in a little journey into my maternity. A lot of inspirations!”
Glenna Batson, dance and somatic movement international expert, North Carolina
“It was a beautiful excursion into the liquidity of resonance and dissonance, the approach, meeting, resistances and dissolution into flow of contact and partnership. It is equally luscious to feel the rub of resistance as it is the melding and fusing of flow. I’m eager to experience more! Thank you!”
Virginie Bournaud, tango and contact improvisation dancer and teacher, Paris
“It was very nice for me tonight. Quite unexpected to feel comfortable dancing with my chair for the first time. And with my cosy coat... Slightly more difficult with the cushion but still, it was very interesting to witness myself falling into the trap of wanting to be original rather than true! I found the idea of progressing in the weight and in the qualities of the three objects very interesting too. From the light cushion to the heavy chair, the weight of my coat and its fluidity reminded me of some beautiful dances. As for my chair, I will have to teach it how to be more flexible. I thank you very much for opening the door of dancing with objects in a smooth and organic way. Hopefully, I will feel more confident from now on!”
Stefania Casucci, tango, contact improvisation and contemporary afro dancer, Milan
“We all want to be free but freedom means to take responsibility for your moves, for your partner and for the social context you are involved in. This is the added value that liquid lead movement brought to my dance: freedom and a multiple choice of options in moves and rhythms through listening and touch. There is music as a framework as a source of inspiration but there are also other rhythms, your inner rhythm that you need to combine with the other dancer/dancers in a wide harmony. It is a tough work that needs a lot of practice and we are just at the beginning... It is demanding and challenging and I am eager to know what comes next.”